There are times when you have to make decisions and arrive at what you must do in order to move forward in life. How do you arrive at that? Most believers don’t know how to discern God’s mind in making decisions. This teaching will explore how to go about it.

Col 3:15 KJV And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.


This can be traced to (Col 2:18). of the false teacher who, in condemning the faith of the cc Christians as insufficient for the attaining of “perfectness” (ver. 14) without angel worship, etc., virtually took away their prize and judged them “unworthy of eternal life

The false teacher, as a self-constituted umpire, defrauds you of your prize; but if the peace of Christ be your umpire ruling in your hearts, your reward is sure.

The term “rule may be understood in two senses.

1. Exert its power to protect.. Phi 4:7 KJV And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  

Here God”s peace is likened to a garrison; (Psa 112:7 ; Isa 26:3 ) Peace gives strength, and strength peace. (Psa 29:11 )

2. Sit as umpire. 

The word rendered here “rule” – brabeueto- it means:


Phonetic: brab-yoo’-o

to be an umpire

to decide, determine

to direct, control, rule

 to arbitrate, that is, (generally) to govern (figuratively prevail): – rule.

The word “brabeue” is commonly used in reference to the Olympic and other games. It means, to be a director, or arbiter of the public games; to preside over them and preserve order, and to distribute the prizes to the victors.

Just like a referee in a football match. He decides offside kicks, penalty kicks, fowl play, gives yellow or red cards and scores.

The meaning here is, that the peace which God gives to the soul is to be to us what the brabeutes, or governor at the games was to those who contended there.

It is to preside over and govern the mind; to preserve every thing in its place; and to save it from tumult, disorder, and irregularity. 

Let the peace of Christ judge, decide, and govern in your hearts, as the brabeus, or judge, does in the Olympic contests.

Some christians are disturbed in their minds and they don’t know how to discern the God’s will in their situations. They resort to permutations, fleece, casting lots, consulting prophets and men. Whereas God has given us the instrument by which we can arrive at a Godly decisions.

The thought is a very beautiful one. The soul is liable to the agitations of passion and excitement – like an assembled multitude of men. It needs something to preside over it, and keep its various faculties in place and order; and nothing is so well fitted to do this as the calm peace which God gives. 

The “peace of God” will thus calm down every agitated element of the soul; subdue the tumult of passion, and preserve the mind in healthful action and order –

When it is needed

When in doubt in regard to business speculations, worldly amusements, whom to marry, whether to travel by air or road, where to go or not to go, business to engage in, course of study, vocation to engage in, place of worship etc., and many other decisions of life.

We may ask, “Which course will the peace of Christ ruling in my heart approve?” To such peace we are called, but to enjoy it we must allow this peace to rule. 

The apostle says, Let it rule. The Greek word means arbitrate. Whenever there is a doubtful issue to be decided, and by one course your peace may be disturbed, whilst by another it may be maintained, choose the things that make for peace, whether for yourselves or others. Let God’s peace act as umpire


1. Write out your options: Hab 2:2 KJV And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

state pro and cons, i mean advantages and disadvantages of each options

2. Think over them. Meditate on them Jos 1:8; Phi 4:8

3. Narrow them down to 2 or 3

4. Pray over them again and present them to the Holy Spirit. Jesus said He will shows us the things to come Joh 16:13 KJV Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

One of the ways by which you know the mind of Holy Spirit in this case is that you will have peace. 

So the question is which one do you have most peace with?

Peace is a standard for discerning God’s will

The one that you have most peace with may not sound logical, acceptable to the five senses, friends may not like it and it may not look reasonable. But do you have peace on it? If yes go ahead with it.

We walk by faith and not by sight 2Cor 5: 7

What happen when we allow the peace of God or Christ to rule

1.We shall then be kept from falling, (Psa 119:165 ) have peace in conflict (Joh 16:33 ) and in inaction, (Psa 4:8 ) through life and in death. (Psa 37:37 ). 

2.You will not be in error, you will not make mistakes, you will not have regret, you will safe yourself and others from peril and dangers.

Conclusion: Rule in your hearts – Preside in your hearts; sit as umpire there; govern and control you. 

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