Making Decision
The greatest need of mankind is a relationship with their maker. There is a vacuum in every man that only God can fill. Material possession, financial breakthrough and good health cannot be compared with the joy of being saved. This is what Jesus came to do about two thousand years ago, to reconcile mankind with God. That is the objective of salvation Jn 3:16 but sin has separated between us and our God so He has to pay for our sin by dying on the cross. All the wrath and judgement of God concerning sin were placed on Him, He became what we are so we could become what He is 2Cor 5:19-21. By bearing our sin, God’s judgement over sin is atoned for, God will not punish us for the same offence He has punished His own Son for. When we believe this good news and confess Jesus as our Lord, we become born again 2cor 5:17. Now we are sons of God. How do you receive the gift of salvation? By believing in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved Rom 10:9-10. I believe you are ready, please say this prayer with me:
Wants to be BORN AGAIN?
Say the following prayer:
“Father I come to you, I am sorry for my sins, forgive me. I believe Jesus died for my sin and was raised for my justification. I confess Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I am saved, I am born again. Thank you Jesus for saving me.”
Praise God, if you mean that prayer from your heart, I believe you are born again and have become partakers of divine nature.
What next?
Please find a good Bible believing church around you, introduce yourself to the Pastor that you just receive Jesus into your life. They will accept you and as you start learning of your new faith, you will grow. Tell your family and friends of the decision you just made.
Please go to PRAISE REPORT & TESTIMONY PAGE and share with us your testimony OR contact us by sending email to the following email address;
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