Donations/Reach-out/Freewill Offering
Donations & free will offering in Naira
Donations & Free will offering in Dollars
Our goal to reach the world with free published materials will be boosted with your kind and free will offering to assist in getting the material to the people. Many tracts and newsletter will be printed out and be given out as more funds are available. Also, we reach out to the orphanage homes, widows, displaced people in order to supply material in kind and cash. Efforts will be made to publishing the gallery and give back reports of all collection received. We will also offer public presence of our donors whenever time and chance permitted.
Please Fill the form include Your name, email, amount and purpose: Outreach, orphanage, widows, IDP material gifts etc. We promise to do as you wished.
Freewill donations and offerings can be sent to the account details provided below:
- ACCOUNT #: 0031270729
- DOLLAR ACC #: 0034444736