TIME: 00:00


TEXT: IS 49: 4-5; ROM 8: 25; 2TIM 2: 26


1. Praise God for His mercy, protection, sustenance and provision. Thank Him for the gift of salvation and redemption

2. 1 John 1 says if we say we have no sins we are liars and there is no truth in us, lets ask for the mercy of the Lord that the blood of Jesus will cleanse us from every unrighteousness, lets receive the forgiveness that is in our spirit

3. Let’s come against every hindering power that wants to hinder us tonight that the fire of the Lord will locate them. Lets bind them and frustrate their plans.

4. Shall we receive the spirit of supplication and grace. Let the ability of God come upon us. May we be filled with the anointing to pray and receive the function from the Lord.

5. Every power subjecting me to bondage, slavery and captivity against my will, be destroyed and devoured out of my life today in Jesus name.

6. Every power of domination and every law of domination subjecting my life and destiny to vanity and emptiness be annulled and consumed by fire now in Jesus name.

7. Every power of domination and every law of domination subjecting my life to failure and frustration be devoured and be destroyed out of my life right now in Jesus name.

8.Every force and power that wants to compel me and my destiny to corruption and decay be broken and be consumed by fire and thunder in Jesus name

9. Every force and power introducing and sponsoring evil and misfortune in my life is destroyed totally in Jesus name.

10. Every evil taskmaster of life assigned against my life will be consumed by the fire of the Lord.

11. Every yoke of slavery and servitude be broken from my life in Jesus name.

12. Every yoke and curse of common prison over my life is broken by the reason of the anointing in Jesus name.

13. Every fetter and chain of compulsive captivity upon my destiny and in any area of my life be broken into irreparable pieces in Jesus name.

14. Say in the name of Jesus, I separate myself from every family affliction and hereditary infirmity in Jesus name.

15. I break by fire every ancestral family affliction and ancestral plague over my life in Jesus name.

16. Every power subjecting me to the same affliction and suffering with people in my career and occupation be eliminated today in Jesus name

17. Every power subjecting me to the same affliction and suffering with people in the same house i am staying or people from the same place where i came from die in Jesus name.

18. Every evil connection and flow into my life from my father or mother or husband or wife dry up now and be consumed in Jesus name.

19. Every power that wants to subject my life to common punishment or general suffering be annulled and destroyed in Jesus name.

20. I destroy every common or popular suffering, trouble and problems in my family now in Jesus name.

21. The children of Israel suffered hardship and hard labor from the Egyptian taskmaster. I separate myself from yoke hardship and hard labour in Jesus name.

22. Bible says you shall be far from oppression and terror therefore every oppression of the enemy in any area of my life is rooted out now in Jesus name.

23. Isiah says oh ye daughter of Zion loose yourself from the bondage of your neck, in the name of Jesus every bondage of indebtedness, poverty, lack and insufficiency is loosed from my life by fire.

24, From today I decree I shall not labour in vain, my labour shall not go to caterpillar, my efforts shall not be wasted in Jesus name.

25. Command doors of unusual favour and mercy to swing open in your direction, let men begin to remember you, let the Lord put matter in their heart.

26. Say I release my destiny helpers, angels sent to me from heaven, favour and grace that is mine, come right now in Jesus name.

27. Pray against the yoke of almost, and frustration in marriage and in life.

28. I set free everything that has been stolen and kept in any coven or lying upon any altar now.

29. Begin to bless God for answering the prayers.

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